I would be honored for you to call me a whore
I am totally jelous that you are so fit and back to your old self! But mind you, you are WAY more active then me. You totally deserve your MILF status award!
Hows being a momma?? Have you bought a tutu and leg warmers for Danica yet (we will skip the pasties until she's 18)?? haha
Re: Nattie
Thanks hun - I'm still not even close to being back to my old self, and totally not a MILF as of yet, but working on it!
I love motherhood. It's absolutely the best job ever and is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. I never knew how much love one heart can hold.
Funny you ask about the tutu! My friend (who I danced with) bought her the cutest pink tutu, but I have yet to get the leg warmers and ballet shoes. CAN NOT WAIT!
She's been to dance with me a few times. She sits in the baby bjorn and sleeps through the music and my voice yelling at the kids. I guess she got used to it in utero!
How's your pregnancy going? I love those videos of Haden on FB - and your new house is absolutely gorgeous!
Im glad you are enjoying it so much! Its going to be so cute once she can start dance, its deffinately in her blood. Good thing you can take her with you, and that the yelling doesn't wake her up, thats awesome.
I am doing well. Same as the last pregnancy so far. No ms, or complications yet!
The house still needs a few finishing touches, like baseboards and moulding. I can't wait for them to get done. It will really finish everything off. Once thats done I will take some pics and post them.