
teach your children well

this has been on my brain since octomom.  and lizlemon mentioned it in the Drew Peterson post.

common sense can go such a long way and I know we as parents can only do so much but.... I hope that I can instill wrong vs right/morals/values/self respect, etc. as much as I am able.

Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}

Re: teach your children well

  • I think peer group helps loads too.  No regular student at my school had a child before graduation.  A couple of the "bussed" kids did, but they might as well have been in another place for all the interaction we had with them, since for the most part they were not in classes with us other than homeroom.  Most everyone went to at least some college.  No ones plan was to graduate and work at the grocery store. 
  • Exactly.  I'm always suspicious when people like OctMom's mom says "I don't know why she's like this."  You must have some idea.

    Then there are other things that I think we can try to avoid but kids are gowing to grow up to become their own people.  Every time I see kids at the mall with the giant baggy pants and their underwear hanging out, I think of their mothers.  I'm sure that's now how mom wanted to see you leave the house.

    But when it comes to right/wrong, common sense and morality, I think we have more impact than we give ourselves credit for.

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  • I know!  My biggest fear is that I'm going to raise my son and he'll turn out to be the next Ted Bundy.  I make it an extra effort to think about the consequences of my actions and always hug and kiss L every opportunity I get.  It's a scary thing trying to figure out the best balance in raising your kid to be a well rounded contributing member of society. 
    Liam is 5!
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