
Developmental Clinic today - Need PT and OT - Long

We had Lily's 7 month (adjuste) developmental clinic today. I was hoping that it was going to go really well and we would get some good news, but kind of new she has slowly started to become "behind" on some things, but other things not, so I guess I was just kind of hoping things would be okay.

They said she is an interesting case bc she has a "weak core" and is overcompensating with stiffness through her shoulders, but has no problem sitting for 15 minutes, which they wouldn't expect. She also has trouble using her thumb to pick up objects and is behind on manipulating objects with both hands, she uses one or the other and really has to focus to use both hands together, this should be well established by now, but she is still struggling. The good news is that she does great on her tummy and they were surprised she can use her hands well to support herself based on how she can't use her hands very well with objects. She also had great range of motion, was good standing and recognized herself in the mirror (this didn't surprise us). Overall she was in the 27th percentile for 7 months adjusted. Her scores for one (gross or motor, I can't remember) were 6 months and the other was 7 months, but only bc she is sitting so well.

I held back tears as they talked to us about her needing PT and OT, not bc I don't want to do it and help her, but bc I was hopeful maybe, this could just all be done and I could stop worrying about her development. People keep telling me that I worry too much and she is doing "really good" all babies are "different" and "develop different". I guess I stopped listening to my gut and started listening to them and convinced myself that she was fine.

I work with Lily every night and almost feel like sometimes I am "pushing" her, now I feel like such a failure again, as a mother, that I didn't pick up on this. I already feel everyday like I failed her by not being able to keep her inside of me, and this just seems like another way I have failed her.

So, tomorrow I will start calling places and see what kind of plan we can get together. ::sigh::tears running down my face::

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Re: Developmental Clinic today - Need PT and OT - Long

  • Please don't beat yourself up! Hugs to you. It is so so hard not to compare our babies to other babies the same age.  For me, it helps to think of DS as a 5.5 month old, instead of an almost 8 month old.  He gets weekly OT and is thriving.  There are full termers out there who need this extra push as well, so you're right in knowing that the range is huge, as far as developmental milestones go.  Really, though, OT and PT are just extensions of what you are already doing with her, and in no time, she will bypass all of your expectations! GL! DS LOVES his new OT... it's kind of like play time with him. :-)
  • oh, and I hear you about the non-stop guilt. I know this will be with me for a long time, but we are all trying our best to do what is right by our babies, and you are NOT failing her! :-)
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  • I'm sorry it didn't go as well as you'd hoped.  I was interested to hear about Lily's shoulder tightness.  An OT in the NICU told us to watch out for that b/c preemies tend to be tight through their shoulders due to having to tense them to struggle to breathe for so long.  So that may make sense... 

     I know you had hoped to not need OT or PT but we have seen huge gains since C started therapy and I hope you see the same for Lily.  ((hugs))

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