It would be small anyway, just a few from his kindy class and 2 other toddlers whose parents are friends (1 has a new baby and 1 has a 4 year old).
So let's say 6 or so 3 year olds, an infant and a 4 year old.
Our backyard is too small I fear :-(
We could go to a cafe then a park. Or we could set up a card table at a park and just do snacks (fairy bread, fruit, carrot sticks, cheesesticks etc and cake)
Money is tight at the moment so spending $20pp at a venue isn't an option.?
?Any ideas for snacky foods??
Re: ideas for cheap and cheerful 3rd bday party?
BIL & SIL always have their kids bdays at the park under a ramada. They either BBQ hamburgers or bring in a big sandwich and chips. Its a great day for the kids.
two words: taco bar
it would be super cheap and fun to set up on a table. the messiness would be fun outside, and it would be a perfect tie in to a pinata and you could have jelly beans as favors ( mexican jumping jelly beans)
you could have FLAN!
viva la taco party!
It sounds nice if you have great weather. There is a huge playground a few minutes from my house and it has numerous picnic areas around it. It is actually at an elementary school. I see quite a few ppl having parties there. The kids have a great time and other than the food it is free. If it rains, that could be a problem.
I also have done some parties with my friend when she had 3 little boys and money was tight (they're teenagers now). We did a card table in her finished basement and the kids all played some of the old birthday party games like a pinata and such. It was cheap and the kids had a blast.
Thanks for the greast ideas!I love the taco idea but I worry it will be very messy. I know I am messy eating tacos. Also how to keep them warm?
All great ideas thanks!
I can probably borrow some card tables from the girl guides (friend of mine is a leader). ?