
When your in labor are you allowed....

To wear a bra? I know its a weird question but all these birth shows I've seen it appears the women are nude under their hospital gowns. I am WAAAAY more comfortable in my bra than with out ((I have a large chest)) and I'd feel better if I could wear something.

What has been your experience?

Re: When your in labor are you allowed....

  • I wore a nursing bra.
  • I had a bra on the entire time I was in the hospital.
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  • I wanted to, but was told no
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  • Eh, I was totally naked but I've been to other births where the mom was still in a bra. I don't see why it would matter at most places.?
  • My water broke 6 weeks early so I went into the hospital just to be "checked out".  They had me leave on my bra and shirt while they checked.  In the end, I had the baby that day and wore my shirt and bra the entire time.  It happened so quickly that I didn't really think about it.  There was other stuff going on and I never thought about it.  In the end, the nurses thought it was "cute" I was so modest and all.  But I'm not that modest, just forgot about it.  I don't know why they wouldn't let you keep it on unless it was in the way of what they needed to do.
  • I wore a sports bra both times.  I spent alot of my labor in the jacuzzi tub and dint want to wear a hospital gown in there but also didnt feel comfortable being completely naked.  No one ever said anything about it.
  • I wore one.  I don't even think I took it off for the c-section (which I only mention bc/ every other time I've had surgery, I've had to take it off under the gown).
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  • well, i spent the majority of my labor in the shower so i was totally naked - but i can't imagine i wouldn't have been allowed to wear a bra under my johnny if i wanted too.  the rules might be hospital based.  if they are expecting emergency c-section they might prefer you not have a bra - especially if it has an underwire.
  • I was told not to either, I think for the ease of breastfeeding. But I felt weird without one!
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