I have had stomache problems since I was a child. I have been able to deal with it okay. The doctors said they think it is just IBS. I went to a gastro dr. a couple years ago just to be sure because my sister has Crohns. They did not do any tests, just said by my symptoms that it is IBS. Well, lately it has gotten much worse. It has gone from a once a week problem to an every day. I am "sick" every day.
I have an appointment with my dr. next week. until then I am curious what the difference is between colitis and IBS and how do they determine which you have? Thanks
Re: Anyone with IBS or Colitis?
I'm sure I don't compare b/c my symptoms aren't that bad, so take this with a grain of salt. I have had mild issues for many years - not being normal, going from one extreme to the other during the week. However, several months ago I started taking acidophilus once a day and it has made *such* a difference. I specifically take one called Pearls:
It works much better than the regular herbal acidophilus versions, however it is much more expensive. To me it's very worth it though. It might be worth a try?
One of my former BFFs had very bad IBS. She went through extensive testing, which she said was hardly worth it. In the end, the only thing the Dr could give her was the script version of something like Immodium. That of course leads to the opposite problem so she never would take it.
Ask your doctor about the blood test for celiac disease too. ?I was told I had IBS and lactose intolerance for years by several doctors. ?I didn't. ?It was celiac disease. ??
There's a genetic link. ?I probably wouldn't have been diagnosed if DD hadn't been first.??
the family of crohn's & colitis are IBD - irritable bowel diseases which are all structural problems. with those disease they can actually see (usually via colonoscopy and upper and lower gi series testing what is wrong with your GI tract. problems could be anywhere from your esophogus all the way down to your anus and anywhere in between.
IBS is "irritable bowel syndrome" and is diagnosed when you have symptoms but there is no structural abnormality they can find. Both IBD or IBS can range in severity.
I have crohn's and currently **knock on wood** have very minimal symptoms but at other times have been hopsitalized for weeks at a time.
I have colitis....technically "spastic colitis". My intestines go into an awful stage of spasms - it feels like labor. I was diagnosed via colonoscopy after a lazy doctor slapped me with the IBS diagnosis and told me to take Immodium and stick to some random diet.
It didn't help. The thing is....I can eat a gallon of ice cream and be fine. I can also drink a cup of tea and be sick for 10hrs. So, the diet thing didn't work so great for me! Immodium did nothing. Sure, it stopped the diarrhea, but it didn't stop my intestines from spasming (which only made me sicker).
Finally, I saw a specialist and he did a colonoscopy and, sure enough, spastic colitis, not generic IBS. I have colonoscopies regularly because the colitis causes problems from terrible 'roids to malrotation to, potentially ulcerative colitis.
I take a medication for it....which is toxic in breastmilk and prevents me from BFing. But, it helps and I LOVE it.
A lot of people don't realize how debilitating it can be. I never know if I'm going to be able to be somewhere. I have to cancel plans at the last minute. I've missed a ton of work (when I was working). Some nights, I'm sick from 8pm-5am....just in time for the kids to start getting up, so no sleep for me!
The medication helps me to the point that I don't land in the hospital, but it does very little to normalize my life since it not only causes severe drowsiness and dizziness, you also can't take it in the heat or the sun!
I suffered for years listening to the lazy doctor who tossed out IBS at me....I was so happy to have a REAL diagnosis and finally know what was happening to cause me so much pain.