When we were at the pedi's office for his pneumonia last weekend she mentioned that the recommended amt. of whole milk for 1-2 year olds has been raised to 4 cups daily. She said this is because many toddlers are suffering from D deficencies. Has anyone heard of this? Liam is loving the extra milk and since he already ate so little before I don't really notice that he is eating any less due to the extra calories.
Re: Pedi told me that they raised the milk recommendation for toddlers to four cups daily.
Mine said they should be getting 16 oz a day. ?It's tough to get Bennett to drink that much, so she suggested finding a supplement for extra Vitamin D for him.
She said that specifically for boys, not getting enough Vitamin D at earlier ages is linked to depression in teenage boys.?
Never heard that.
DS drank (and still drinks) only about 8-12 oz a day. I can't force him to drink more, and he eats other dairy. He's also outside every day. I think 20 minutes of sun is all they need to get enough D.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
My pedi said that D deficiencies aren't a problem in our area - it's so sunny and warm, we get plenty of D.
My pedi told me they changed the rules as well. She commented that the amount (I think 32oz) was unreasonable to expect a 2 year old to drink. As a result, she recommended a multi vitamin (Gummi or Flintstone).
Also, our pedi said that DD could drink any type of milk - it doesn't have to be whole. She said the only difference is the fat content, not the vitamin D or calcium content. FYI.