jsut curious, how many u/s did you have durng your pregnancy/or how many are you scheduled to have? My OB siad we will do one every 4 weeks from 20 wks on and we are doing one at 13 wks for the NT scan and next week I have a 10 wk appt so she said if the hb's are still not detecable on doppler then we will do an internal to check for growth....so that means I will have an u/s at EVERY visit this whole pregnancy...... a little much?
I will love the chance to see my babies every step of the way, but worry it is harmful?
Re: How many u/s did you have?
no evidence of harm...
at this point, i have them twice a week.
I have one at every visit. Which is about every 2/3 weeks, plose the MFM about once a month.
I love being able to see my babies so much! And ultrasounds are not harmful to them.
I feel like I've had a lot, but not as many as some of the girls on here. They don't do them at my reg OB appts, they are all done in a separate office or at MFM. I had them at
10wks (due to spotting)
33wks (scheduled)
but I don't know how often I'll have them after that.
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I had them every two to for weeks!i liked it though because i got to see them and how they were doing so often:)
After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!