This list is for moms ttc their next child.
I do check-ins on Mondays, Wednesdays and sometimes on the weekends. If you'd like to join just post and I'll be sure to add you.
91303bliss : ttc #2, 1st cycle
A&&C : ttc #2, 1st cycle
Aliya : ttc #2, 2nd cycle, in the 2ww
Angelina1003 : ttc #2
Babyfever8 : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
Bethyboo80 : ttc #2, 1st cycle
Briansgirl118 : ttc #2
Brisbaby : ttc #2
Brynmcnair (40): ttc #2, 15th cycle
Carleighs_Mom : ttc #2
Cbidt*sgirl : ttc #2, 6th cycle, in the 2ww
Cbkmrb : ttc #3
ChristineNYC : ttc #2
DilcoJ'sWife: ttc #2, 2nd cycle, in the 2ww
Dimplz : ttc #2, 6th cycle
DivaBride2Be : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
Emmasmom30 : ttc #2
Godsgrace : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
Goldie_Locks_5 : ttc # 2
Guidancegirl : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
H20sgrl : ttc #2, 3rd cycle, in the 2ww
Hermommy : ttc #2, 1st cycle
Hoosiergirl : ttc #2 in April, 2008
Hskrmommy : ttc #2 in summer, 2008
J&jnovbride : ttc #2, 11th cycle, waiting to O
Jenniger : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
Jennmichael (34): ttc #2, 2nd cycle
Jessicaclare : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
July05bride2 : ttc #2, 2nd cycle
KandA77: ttc #2, 2nd cycle, in the 2ww
Karen&Phil (29): ttc #2, 3rd cycle, in the 2ww
Kelly&Dave (34): ttc #2, 10th cycle, waiting to O
KGMommy422 : ttc #2, in the 2ww
Kyle*s_wife_bev (23): ttc #2, 3rd cycle, waiting to O
Kmmdms : ttc #2, 9th cycle but taking a break
Ladyjodie : ttc #4
LeahRae : ttc #2 in summer of 2009
LeisureSuitLauren: ttc #3, 3rd cycle, in the 2ww
Lexidana: ttc #2, doing FET 11/07/08
LinzDavid : ttc #2
Lotti : ttc #2, 21st cycle, waiting to O
M773zz : ttc #2
Mam1006 : ttc #2, 2nd cycle
Melly&jimmy : ttc #2, 3rd cycle
Mellytexas: ttc #2, 2nd cycle
Mel/Matt: ttc #2
Mich2004bride: ttc #2
Momto1 : ttc #2, 3rd cycle, in the 2ww
Moocow_31 : ttc #2, 1st cycle
Mrsbilodeau : ttc #2 in April
MrsErickson: ttc #2
Mrs.Kirby : ttc #2 in May
Mrslewis2b : ttc #2, 2nd cycle
Mrsminkles : ttc #2
Mrst2001 : ttc #2, 3rd cycle
Mylobster (34): ttc #2, 3rd cycle
Panda53321 : ttc #2
Pokeyswife : ttc #2 in June 2008
Postbridalblues : ttc #2, 1st cycle
Raven0227 : ttc #2, 2nd cycle
Renea&wesley : ttc #2
Rivy : ttc #2, 3rd cycle, in the 2ww
Sadietoo : ttc #2, 1st cycle
Sandy09579 : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
Scullyhoyy : ttc #2, 4th cycle
Seaportoct12 (36): ttc #2, 10th cycle
Shaunie : ttc #2, 20th cycle
Shellbug79 : ttc #2, 1st cycle
Snowbride011004 : ttc #3, in the 2ww
Snowflakemom : ttc #2, 1st cycle, in the 2ww
Surfergrl (32): ttc #2, 2nd cycle
Texasmom07: ttc #2, 3rd cycle, in the 2ww
Travs*girl: ttc #2, waiting to O
XjunefifthX : ttc #2
Xnbride : ttc #2
Zoe2 : ttc: #2, 4th cycle, in the 2ww
Almostjennifer (31): ttc #2, 9th cycle..BFP! EDD 1.05.09
Ashleyvc1 : ttc #2......................BFP! EDD 06.10.09, It's a Girl!
Baby4OT : ttc #2, 10th cycle.............BFP! EDD 03.02.09, It's a Girl!
Bellisimo : ttc #2...........................BFP! EDD 04.02.09
BlondeGirl79 : ttc #2.......................BFP! EDD 04.04.09
Brewster : ttc #2.............................BFP! EDD 05.03.09
Bride2b2004 : ttc #2, 2nd cycle........BFP! EDD 07.30.09
Camrude : ttc #2, 1st cycle.............BFP!
Cjcouple : ttc #2...........................BFP! EDD 06.22.09, It's a boy!
Cropson : expecting #2 on 05.02.08
CubbyMama : ttc #2, 2nd cycle........BFP! EDD 04.05.09
DzsGirl : ttc #2, 3rd cycle................BFP!
Evez11 : ttc #2, 1st cycle...............Kolton Tate, 09.12.08
Habsfanbride : ttc #2, 3rd cycle......BFP! EDD 09.18.08
Heidisean : ttc #2.........................BFP! EDD 09.15.09
iLoveHim : ttc #2..........................BFP! EDD 06.20.09
Itsmevkb (36): ttc #2, 20th cycle, 1st IVF......BFP!!!!!!!! EDD 03.09.09, Girl!
KelMel : ttc #2...............................BFP!
Liebschein : ttc #2, 3rd cycle...........BFP EDD 10.06.08 It's a Boy!
Lilpiglet : ttc #2.............................BFP! EDD 05.09
Mamarazzi: ttc #2, 3rd cycle..........BFP! EDD 12.31.08
Mommy2SerenityL: ttc#2.................BFP! EDD 11.?.08
MrsBostonBride : ttc #2...................BFP!
Mrs.JRF: ttc #2, 3rd cycle...............BFP! EDD 03.11.09
Nessamestreet : ttc #2, 2nd cycle....BFP! EDD 03.24.09, It's a Girl!
Nicory : ttc #2..............................BFP!
Penguingrrl : ttc #2, 1st cycle...........BFP! EDD 07.19.09
Pip875sqk : ttc #2, 2nd cycle............BFP! EDD 09.29.08
Ragdoll72 : ttc #2, 4th cycle..............BFP! EDD 12.25.08
Scarletii : ttc #2.............................BFP! EDD 10.13.08
Soon2bsteffens : ttc#2, 3rd cycle.....BFP! at 12 dpo
SoonToBeMrsDTS : ttc #2, 4th cycle..BFP! EDD
Tammy79 : ttc #2..........................Sarah Elizabeth, 01.20.09
TxGal : ttc #2.................................BFP! EDD 05.19.09
Shaunie - Sorry about the cysts. You are having a rough go of it.
Huge congrats to KelMel who got her BFP. A happy and healthy nine months to you.
Congrats to Cjcouple who just found out that she is having a little boy and to Ashleyvc1 who is having a little girl.
And, a big welcome to LinzDavid and Babyfever who are both trying, or at least considering trying for #2.
Question of the day: What am I forgetting?
I *think* that I'm ready for our little girls arrival but I have that nagging feeling that I'm forgetting something, or lots of somethings! I have the co-sleeper ready, I have clothes, bottles, blankets, diapers..............what are some of your must haves for little babies or if you've already had your second, third, fourth child what were things you had forgotten that you would need?
Pregnancy update: I'm on the see the doctor every week plan right now. It dawned on my husband the other day that "oh my gosh, we could have a another baby any day now." Very cute.
Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12
Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck. Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.
This Cluttered Life
Re: ***Sibling Makers*** List for moms ttc their next child
Well after 2 trips to L&D in 1 week I have been on weekly appts for about 2 weeks now! They will keep going. I had an U/S last Friday and well they are already estimating the baby at 7lbs!!!!!! I am no longer allowed to work the rest of this PG and I am pretty sure I lost my MP the other day!
QOTD: It finally hit me the other day what I am forgeting lol I have clothing like there is no tomorrow but....... I do not have anything but 0-3+ No NB at all. So in the next couple of weeks I will be getting some NB size in clothing!!!!!!
Hi ladies, congrats on the successes and sorry again Heidisean for you loss; it is always hard asking to be removed from these lists. We will both graduate to the next list very soon.
Kelly I can't believe you are 37 weeks. wow, the time flies. I wish you an easy labor and smooth recovery--you will do great!
9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU
Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w