Previously, Bryan was eating pacifier clips, Sam was distressed about nailpolish inhibiting her thumbsucking abilities and sad about a stuffed puppy.
Imagine if you will.. a daughter who reportedly spent naptime at daycare talking to Allie, thus getting no sleep. Evening festivities were a bit emotional but Kori saved the day (yet destroyed the computer, more later) by playing 99 Red Balloons, thus cheering up said daughter. 2am said daughter had monsters in her room and, since she ate no dinner, was starving and wide awake. Kori, bad mother that she is, let DH deal with it but slept herself, and then let Sam go to daycare with jeans & her pj top on.
Bryan did not, in fact, digest the paci clip, merely destroyed it with his mighty jaws of doom. Kori is even now plotting how to sew and attach some with fabric and no parts to dessimate or digest. Weaning the FeralBeastie did not go well this morning, he instead kept saying "mamamama mom, mamamama mom" and digging for boobs, and threw his bottle twice. Kori will, however, prevail. Eventually.
Re: My Strange Children Act 4 Scene...?? lol
Matthew James 1/11/07
Liam is 5!