I'm Trina and I have a personal question for you...I totally get if you don't want to talk about it though. ?It is in regards to Clomid.
With Kiernan and McKenzie I didn't ovulate for 11 months, then got on Provera and Clomid. ?My ob increased my Clomid from 50 to 100 to 150 and we got pregnant on the 4th round. ?Yay! ?The babes are 13 months now and we would like to start 'trying' again. ?I say 'trying' bc I haven't had a pp af yet. ?I am still bfing, but I am literally 5 days away from being fully weaned. ?
I noticed in a post below that both of your pregnancies were with Clomid. ?Would you mind telling me your story? ?Did your ob go with Clomid right away for the second pregnancy? ?Did you get af soon after ds was born? ?May I ask, how many rounds it took both times?
I'd really just like hear your experience if you are willing to share. ?
If you would prefer, my email is trinacougs11 @ hotmail.com
Re: Goldie Locks
NO problem! I'm an open book with IF
I have PCOS - and my whole life would get between 3-4 periods a year. When a friend of mine got diagnosed with PCOS years ago I said "i bet that is what I have!" and sure enough, after only 3 months off BCP and no period- i went to my OB (who also has PCOS) and she referred me to an RE right away- said there was no reason to waste time TTC with her or on my own- since I was 33 at the time, and wanted more than one child.
While we were going through testing for the RE we got pg on our own - with an O date of CD50... and m/c shortly after. MC rates are high with PCOS b/c late O's usually = crappy eggs. A couple months after the m/c we did our first cycle of clomid/IUI/met/trigger and got pg with my son.
I EP'd for a little over 2 months with DS - most of that time still having PP bleeding, and then went right back on BCP - so i don't really know how my body would have beeen in those 1.5 yaers since I gave birth to him- but when I did go off BCP in June I got 2 normal periods (ie- about 30 day cycles) so it's possible my body "fixed" it's self somewhat b/c of giving birth- but I wasn't taking any chances and went right to the RE to get pg again... I was 35 at the time so didn't want to waste time and risk another m/c, etc.
our first cycle was a bust- but also done under crappy circumstances... i had JUST gotten out of surgery for kidney stones, got a kidney infection during that time, was on vacation and stressing out about O'ing on vacation, etc .... i wasn't surprised it didn't work. The 2nd cycle went perfect and we had 2 great follies (21mm and 25mm) and both took = our twins!
I never did clomid with my OB b/c as she said- she could do some testing and try clomid- but if i didn't get pg i'd still have to see an RE, and by then my IF benefits may be all gone... so my advice is to see an RE - they monitor you much better (so you don't end up with 8 babies!), watch your uterine lining, etc.
but who knows - when you wean you might find that your body changed. And good for you for BFing for 13mos!!!
a good friend of mine who has PCOS and had to use provera/IUI for both of her first 2 pregnancies got pg "by accident" on her own (while going through testing to TTC for #3) - the doc thinks b/c she had lost a lot of weight and was much healthier than the other 2 times- her body fixed it's self. that baby is now almost a year old.
good luck to you!!!