My grandma died yesterday. She lived and died here, but her funeral is about 10 hours away (Michigan UP-we would drive there). The funeral is Saturday. Because my DH works in the automotive industry and its not a good time for him to take off of work, we would leave early Friday and come back Sunday. My sister isn't going to the funeral and was thinking of having a memorial here with us and my mom and my grandma's caregivers. Is it horrible of me to just attend a memorial here and not go to the service this weekend?
DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12

Re: What would you do in this situation?
It isn't horrible but if I were in your position, I'd wish I'd been there. ?
My Gramma also lived down here but was buried in the UP (the Soo). ?The trip wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.?
I don't know.
I think memorial services are more for people to come together and support each there someone that you think would reasonably feel unsupported without your attendance?
10 hours is far...
I think that having your own local memorial is a nice idea and economically reasonable...
I don't think you should feel guilty at all if you stay local- unless you think that you would really be letting someone down- and I don't mean your grandma, ( I am very sorry for your loss, by the way) by not being there.
final answer.
First of all, I'm sorry about the loss of your grandma. If it's possible to attend, the funeral, I think you should go, you may regret it later if you don't go. If attending is not at all possible, I think attending the memorial service is a good alternative.
I know I would want to be there, mostly to see the rest of my family and to support them. Ten hours is a really long way, though.
Maybe you could go without your dh? It would probably make it easier on you compared to traveling with two kids in such a short time.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry about your Grandma.
Is there any way you could fly? They usually give a discount if someone has died, just have to show upon return a form from the funeral home.
We could fly, but tickets are $1100 and we would need three of them (or at least two). I think that wiould by discounted by maybe 50%, but its still a lot of money.
We are going to go. Its eating at me and I know I would regret not going. I just wish we had more time.