I am really having a tough time deciding what kind of preschool I should send my child to next year. He is doing ok at his current one but I wonder if he would do better at a different type preschool. Right not he is at a play-focused preschool. They start with free play, large motor, snack free play center time and then come home. He is a very energetic kid who loves to figure out how things work and can get very wild in a non-structured environment. I don't know a lot about Montessori and Waldorf schools but I am wondering if one of those might fit his personality better? anyone have experience with these types of schools. How did your child do and what is their personality like?
Re: preschool and child personality
How old is he? I don't think kids get much out of real preschool until 3 or 4.
It also depends on what you do with him on the other days. I specifically have DD in play based because we tend to do a lot of "chore" type play when I am with her (cleaning, cooking, yard work, ect). What she really needs to learn is how to sit in a circle, play well with others, walk in a line, ect. Those things she can easily learn in a play based program. My BF has her DD in Montessori daycare, which is working great for her because her DD is learning a lot of everyday skills, like self care, cooking, cleaning, ect. DD learns those things at home, so school for her to me is better as play.
I would make an appointement to talk to the different schools and see what they and you think about how the fit would be. I could never do Waldorf for example. I believe in TV!
He sounds alot like Evan and he has done very well in a play focused preschool. At DS's school they learn lessons in play. Last week the mailed letters. The "wrote" the letter, bought a stamp and delivered the mail to their mail box.