
preschool and child personality

I am really having a tough time deciding what kind of preschool I should send my child to next year. He is doing ok at his current one but I wonder if he would do better at a different type preschool.  Right not he is at a play-focused preschool.  They start with free play, large motor, snack free play center time and then come home.  He is a very energetic kid who loves  to figure out how things work and can get very wild in a non-structured environment.  I don't know a lot about Montessori and Waldorf schools but I am wondering if one of those might fit his personality better?  anyone have experience with these types of schools. How did your child do and what is their personality like?


Re: preschool and child personality

  • I have been told that Montessori is a less structured learning enviroment compared to a PreSchool.
  • How old is he?  I don't think kids get much out of real preschool until 3 or 4. 

    It also depends on what you do with him on the other days.  I specifically have DD in play based because we tend to do a lot of "chore" type play when I am with her (cleaning, cooking, yard work, ect).  What she really needs to learn is how to sit in a circle, play well with others, walk in a line, ect.  Those things she can easily learn in a play based program.  My BF has her DD in Montessori daycare, which is working great for her because her DD is learning a lot of everyday skills, like self care, cooking, cleaning, ect.  DD learns those things at home, so school for her to me is better as play. 

    I would make an appointement to talk to the different schools and see what they and you think about how the fit would be.  I could never do Waldorf for example.  I believe in TV!

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  • Montessori is less structured in some waysb/c they have their own choices (like snack is a lesson so if they are hungry they do it if not they don't.  But at Montessori it is school and even though they choose what work they want to do they are not running around doing whatever they want.  I choose Montessori for DS next year (will be almost 3.)  And DS will go to public school and I never thought would want anything other than play-based.  I don't know anything about Waldorf.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • My DD is very energetic/free spirited & she is in Montessori.  She did play based for last Spring.  I just think she gets more out of Montessori than she did the play based.  In some ways Montessori is much more structured...they have a very specific routine/order to some things & more freedom in other areas (choosing work, etc).  I would observe both & then decide.  I am very impressed w/ all that DD has learned in Montessori & since she's the oldest in her age, I love that Montessori is mixed ages (3-6 in her class) so she has peers to look up to.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • He sounds alot like Evan and he has done very well in a play focused preschool.  At DS's school they learn lessons in play.  Last week the mailed letters.  The "wrote" the letter, bought a stamp and delivered the mail to their mail box. 

    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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