I'm not too concerned about this - if DS ended up being a vegetarian it would be perfectly fine with me as I eat very little meat anyway. Just wondering if this is a pickiness he will grow out of and if I should keep pushing meat or just let him live on beans and veggies.
He will eat some chicken, and some fish, but that is it. Occasionally he eats a Trader Joe's hot dog. But he loves beans - chick peas, kidney beans, black beans. And he eats edamame, cheese, hard boiled eggs. So he's getting protein. And he loves vegetables. Last night his dinner was broccoli, grape tomatoes, cheddar cheese, and a banana. There was chicken on his plate, but he didn't even touch it and said he wanted to save it for tomorrow.
Should I be pushing meat more or just let him eat his veggies as long as he is getting protein?
Re: Anyone else's DC a vegetarian?
some people take this as a sign that it's not natural for us to eat meat. Lots of kids boycott it.
I don't eat meat (although I don't think it's unnatural). DS will eat chicken but that's it. I eat fish but he won't.
My DD rarely eats meat. Most days we're lucky she eats at all but she seems to prefer fruits and vegetables. She likes peanut butter, yogurt and beans so those are pretty much her protein sources.
Oh, and we always put it on her plate even though we know she won't eat it. We figure its best to offer it anyway and maybe she''ll eat it someday.
Claire doesn't eat meat, either. The doctor said just to watch her iron intake, as she's getting plenty of protein from yogurt, cheese, and other things. As long as he loves beans and eats them a lot, he's probably getting a good amount of iron. We started doing a Flintstones vitamin (it was the only one I could find with iron in it when I checked) just to help with her iron. I don't worry about it...people don't need meat to survive.
Jakob will eat his broccoli before his chicken or steak - he's always been that way. But they need meat for more reasons than just protein - iron is a big factor.
I don't think you should "push" kids to eat anything, but encouragement is always good
Jakob dips all meat in ketsup - it could be a NY Strip and the kid has the ketsup bottle out. Whatever, as long as he eats it!