
Mazda 5 ???

Does anyone have a Mazda 5 or know anything about them? ?I'd love to know what you think. ?We might be buying one but nobody I know has heard of them or has any reviews. ?Thanks!

Re: Mazda 5 ???

  • My (no children, but plan for them, city friends) just go the hatchback.  They got married last year, but didn't have a car (city peeps) until this, and won't get another for a LONG time.


    They love it!

  • The Mazda 5 is the station-wagon one with 3 rows of seats. ?I'm really not asking about the Mazda 3, which is probably what your friends have?
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  • Hey - we got a Mazda 5 about a month after we had DD. I'm crazy in love with it. It handles like a car, small and zippy. You're a lot higher then you are in most small cars like a civic though, so you have good visibility around all of the SUVs. Good gas mileage, good storage. We've mostly kept the third row down, and I can get a TON in there. I had to take my brothers family to the airport though, I got 3 adults, 2 kids in carseats and a full family of luggage into the car. The sliding doors rock my world in parking lots.


    Some Negatives, there aren't a ton of the high end options - we were going for savings anyway, but if that matters to you it could be frustrating. Also one major difference that I've noticed vrs the bigger SUVs and mini vans is that there aren't any vents in the back, so the temp control is not as even as it is in the other cars. DD has always seemed fine overall, but sometimes in the summer it seems like she's getting a little hot back there, and I have to pay attention and keep the air on longer then I would for my comfort.?

  • We got one in Nov.  We love it. 
  • That's what I drive and I love it. ?It drives like a car but is big enough for the 4 carseats/boosters I usually need.?

    Downsides: when you're using the third row you can only fit an umbrella stroller in the back (we tried everything!). ?No auto doors like most minivans. ??

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