
Help! We need a toy storage solution!!!

With 3 toddlers you can imagine the amount of toys in our house.  Its crazy....they are everywhere and never in the toy box.  (well, all we really have is a huge strorage tote right now.  We have put off buying one untl we find one we like and I keep putting it off) 

So, I would like something that has boxes or baskets that can be pulled out or some way to keep toys seperated.  They always seem to want the toy on the very bottom and dump out all of them to get to it.  Something that keeps them a little seperated would help.  So, what do you have, do you like it?

If you have pics post them please.  :)


Re: Help! We need a toy storage solution!!!

  • We have these from Ikea:


    They have baskets that fit perfectly in them for $10-15 each.  We LOVE ours and it looks nice.


  • Hmm, that link doesn't work. They are the Expedit ones...I think this link will work:


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  • We have the cubical from Closetmaid (the one that has nine squares) and we have a couple of the fabric storage cubes for the smaller items.  It looks a lot neater than a toy box.  We are getting another one to stack on top and we for DS's room as well.  One is about $40.
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • We use the rolling dog food bins for my niece's toys. I bought one at The Container Store for about $20, but I'm sure you can find them elsewhere for cheaper.

    You could either get each child their own bin or you could get several and keep the toys organized by type (dolls, stuffed animals, blocks, etc). Since I'm anal about things like this, I would even label each bin with the child's name/type of toys so that there is not excuse for the child not to put their toys away. And since they have wheels, they're easy for children to move around.

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