
I bought soy milk for the first time today

and I was pleasantly surprised!  It's not bad at doesn't really have a taste.  If I really stop and think about regular milk I get totally grossed out, so I decided to give the soy a chance and I'm glad I did.  MH made me promise that I won't try and convert him, too.  hahaha  Is the chocolate kind good?  I just bought plain today.

Re: I bought soy milk for the first time today

  • The chocolate is good if you like chocolate (cow's) milk. I don't like either. But the vanilla flavor is good! It tastes like a vanilla milkshake!?
  • Well, I dont drink it much but DD loves chocolate soy milk! Vanilla is pretty good too.
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  • I switched to soy almost two years ago when my son, who was nursing, was having a bad eczema outbreak.  The ped thought it might be a milk allergy so he suggested I elliminate dairy for a couple of weeks to see if it improved.  He doen't have an allergy (he loves milk, yogurt and cottage cheese) but I've stayed with the soy milk for myself since I prefer the taste.  I buy the Silk Plus DHA-Omega 3.  I use it plain for my cereal or add some chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk.  The chocolate soy is good, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it since it is easy enough to make my own and I don't have to buy two separate containers.
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  • For some reason the idea of soy milk grosses me out which ironic considering I prefer milk from a cow's teet! LOL I just can't make myself do it!
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