
$298 later- I am no longer allowed to grocery shop pg and hungry!

For the 3 of us for one week- that is insane! I am banning myself from going anymore- or it will have to be after a full meal! UGH!
*Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: $298 later- I am no longer allowed to grocery shop pg and hungry!

  • Wow, that is bad:)  My DH is the same way though, if he is hungry he gets all sorts of stuff and he can't even blame pregnancy.  Enjoy your dinners this week.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Just try to see if you can stretch what you bought over the next week as well! My DH is like this too- he is obsessed with the tappas bar at Wegmas so he'll come home with like half a pound of olives, a container of pesto and a container of fire roasted tomatoes- um how do I make a dinner out of that!?!?!
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  • Oh my goodness!  That's what I spend in 3 weeks!  I agree with kissing-try to make it last 2 weeks. seems like you should be able to do that.  What the heck did you buy?? ;)
  • That's totally something I would do... Have fun eating!
  • Ugh.  I did Costco, Trader Joe's, and the regular grocery store on Monday, and I couldn't even add up the totals, I was so scared of how much I spent!

    And I am not pregnant.  

  • Co- Costco and Trader Joes are lethal  for me too! :)

    Yeah, I will see if we can stretch it- some things we won't need to buy again for a while, we were just out of alot all at once it seems, but I did have a few impulse buys! Embarrassed

    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I always run out of "staples" at the same time.  I had to buy ALL baking supplies, olive oil, and some other things a couple of weeks ago...whew, it was ugly!
  • Yeah, the week I had to shop for Claire's birthday part I also had run out of toilet paper, paper towels, contact lens solution, brita filters, and I think shampoo/conditioner, too.  I almost cried when the cashier said the total out loud.
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