I know y'all must be getting sick of my posts about Michelle but I honestly dont know what to do. I've called the pedi's office and the oncall nurse so many times since Wed. The rash that Michelle has is Vasculits which is basically viral and was only on her arms and legs and few in her diaper area.
She is acting so much better today and the fevers are down mainly from the strict motrin/tylenol schedule that I'm keeping. Dont know if the fever will come back if I dont give her motrin/tylenol. Dont wanna risk it right now with the way her fever was so high in the last few days. They told me the fevers will last about a week.
Now she is getting these small red dot type rash thats more diffused all over her belly and back and some on her face. Her face looks a little puffy and her lips too but I'm not sure if thats from the many temper tantrums she's had today. This rash looks very very different than the vasculitis. Would you call the on-call nurse/pedi or would you wait until morning and call the office....this office has sat & sun. hours.
Sorry this is long and I'm rambling.
Re: I dont know what to do! A new rash is showing up
It NEVER hurts to call and check, even if just to put your mind at ease. That's what they're there for, and when it comes to my babies, I dont' care if anyone thinks I'm being annoying
I hope she's feeling better soon...it has been a nasty year for bugs it seems!