
How much should an 18 mo talk?

Just curious what is "normal" at this age.  Thanks so much!
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Re: How much should an 18 mo talk?

  • at 18mo my DS had about 10 words and 5 signs and the ped said that was just fine.

    he has since exploded in the past few months and now i can't even keep count.

  • Not sure what "normal" would be, but my 18 month old has about 25-30 words that we actually understand and then probably another 15-20 that he says repeatedly so we know he's saying something, but we're not sure what.
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  • I don't think there is a normal.  DS is 18 months and only says uh-oh but DD had lots of words at that age.  Just depends on the kid.
  • Is it "normal" to have a LOT of words?  Is this indicative of anything? 
    Anything you can achieve through hard work, you could also just buy.
  • I have always heard their was a range.  5 words to 20 was normal.  My neice barely spoke and they had her tested and she ended up be fine.  Just took her longer.  My DD talks up a storm but always has and signed at ton at 1 year.  So it depends.  Ask you pedi. 
  • Theres a name I havent seen in forever! How is your little guy?

    DS has about 20-25 words, and a few 2-3 word phrases. At his 18 month appt, their checklist said 10-20 words was normal.

    If he has a lot of words, I think that is probably good...?

    Cole Joseph 7/05/07

    Nora Anne 11/03/12
    9lbs, 6oz
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  • imageMrsAxilla:
    Is it "normal" to have a LOT of words?  Is this indicative of anything? 

    my friend told me her doc wanted her son to have about 20 by the time he was 21 months. I think at 18 months age anything above 20-25 is considered a lot of words. my dd had about 30 plus about 30 signs that she did and all it was indicative of was being advanced verbally. she's quite social too so maybe it's indicative of that.

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