DS was a nice boy. Now he's a raving lunatic. He actually walked up to the dog out of the blue yesterday and kicked him. Hard. I yelled and he laughed and kicked him again. He got put in time out and when I went to talk to him - actually I was already right there becuase he won't stay in time out unless you hold him there - he smacked me in the face - twice. He screams. He yells ALL the time. He's miserable and throws himself on the floor all the time. What the heck is going on?!? Please tell me it's a phase.
Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
StepMom to P,
Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse

Re: Terrible Twos. I had no idea.
awe sorry...
I think I remember some others on here saying their toddlers entered this phase, and it DID pass... good luck, be consistent.
We are right there with you...and I hope it's just a phase too.
L will go from my sweetheart to a demon child in a matter of seconds. Thrashing around, kicking, whining, fake crying...leaving DH & I standing there saying WTF?! Just as quickly, he's back to his charming self.
I told DH this must be what it's like to watch PMS.
hahahaaa!!! My DH would love this comment....
Ugh. The threes haven't been much easier for me:( He used to just throw screaming fits. Now we've added anger-displacement to the mix! Lots of kicking, hitting and throwing of inanimate objects, too. Emily isn't 2 yet, but she's quite advanced on the tantrum-front. She's tantruming at a 2-y/o level already. Thanks, Ben.
For both of my children, it's worst when they are trying to communicate something that I don't understand. Or, in Ben's case, trying to communicate a want that I am refusing to indulge. I'm not going to give you any advice because I'm feeling too ill-equipt to advise others. My kids are beasts lately:(