
Ok now the 5 week old has a cough.

Not much I can do for him hey?  We raised the crib mattress...what else?  Humidifier?
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Re: Ok now the 5 week old has a cough.

  • Oh no! So scary.  Yes, humidifier, raise the crib. We put the travel swing in the bathroom and ran the shower really hot. The steam seemed to help her.

    If you think his breathing is labored, or he is wheezing, please take him to the pedi ASAP.  Also pay attention to how much he is eating or not eating. I went through this with my baby in Dec, and it was just awful. HUGS to you both!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks! I will try the shower thing too.  I hope it doesn't get worse - right now it's sporadic but it seems the plague has hit our house!
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  • Ugh, I know how you feel. We had it in Dec, and my hands were literally bleeding from all the cleaning. I was chasing Gina around the house with Clorox wipes, LOL.

    Hope you are all feeling better soon! C'mon SPRING!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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