Thanks for replying to my post below about ditching the binky. ?I replied to your reply, but then not sure you'd check back, so thought I'd page you instead. ?I'd like to hear more about how you handled it, if you have time & don't mind sharing. ?So you're saying to take it out of their mouths while they're asleep? ?Or wait for them to throw it out of the crib & then not give it back? ?I'm not sure that I understand. ?Can you please explain some more b/c I really like the idea of giving them some control over the process. ?TIA!
Re: *soxfan*
hey again!
My son was addicted to the binky! I mean all the time. But I can honestly say when I told my friends the "losing th binky story" they were shocked.
This is the time you build trust. You can't just "take things away" - it will set the stage of them wanting to try new foods, when you want them to walk with you at the store, just trust you -- it goes so far beyond just a binky.
Do this the right way and you will reep the benefits. I'm not saying I am a pro -- but I am saying i have a toddler who trusts me. When I tell him to find his patience, he will calm down, when I tell him it's a time out he will listen and go sit and apologize afterwards, when I tell him to love his sister -- he does. Trust is critical in any relationship and you are building the foundation now.
This binky got him through some tough times - you need to help him learn - not just take it away.
Take it out and see how he does. If he needs it back he will find it. But if he is in a deep sleep he won't care and in time he will sleep without it.
Don't let him have it anywhere other than bed. No car, no living room, set the boundaries -- it will help. but also that will take time.
Sorry i missed the page. hope you get this.
and i don't mean to sound like a know-it-all -- i just had a positive experience for such a dreaded milestone.