
Major sleep issues... please help me!!

My 8 month old has all of a sudden started waking up numerious times in the middle of the night just screaming bloody murder. He screams like he is in so much pain. I am not at all against CIO at this age, but when I let him CIO he stops after about 10 min, then an hour later, he starts screaming again! Usually then, I will go and get him, rock him, put him back to bed and an hour later it starts all over! I need some advice please!!!!

Re: Major sleep issues... please help me!!

  • Sounds like an ear infection to me.  FWIW, my DS's ONLY symptom when he has an EI is rough sleep.  Never runs a fever, never tugs at his ears, never screams when he's awake - just craptastic sleep.  Or could it be teething?
  • It could be teething, but he already has 4 teeth and didn't do this when those were coming through.
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    Are you sure that he is not hungry or has gas pains? My twins act like that with either of those issues.

  • Hmm, I guess it may be eye teeth, but if he tolerated the others coming through I'm still voting EI.  Poor guy, and poor mama!
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