
Bed rest at 36 weeks?

Just found out that a friends wife was put on bedrest at 36 weeks. I'm not sure why. . Still waiting to hear back on the details. I've never known anyone to be put on bedrest that far along. I've known a couple of people that were let off of bedrest then, but not put on.

Re: Bed rest at 36 weeks?

  • That does seem strange, but maybe the baby is measuring small, & they want it to bake for another week? I was on bedrest from 33 weeks to 36 weeks, & went into labor a few days later. My doctor gave me something at the hospital (can't remember the name now) to stop by labor because she wanted me to get in another week. I delivered at 37 weeks.

  • maybe for pre-e?
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  • I was put on bed rest at 38 weeks for pre-e.  My case was mild and I wasn't dilated at all so they wanted to wait for my body to start things on its own to increase the chances of a successful induction.  I was on bed rest for a week when they finally sent me in for an induction.
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