I feel like I am in a nightmare. I cannot believe that DH lost his job. I feel like the weight of our family is resting on my shoulders and I am so tired...
I wish that I felt like DH 'took care of us' as silly as that seems. But it just doesn't seem like that. I don't know if this was 'his fault' or not, but he lost his previous job, 9 months ago, and that was pretty much his fault.
I'm just so devastated. I can't talk to anyone. My close girlfriends have DH's that are friends with my DH, so he would be really upset if I talked to them.
I want to cry, but I don't think I would ever be able to stop...
Re: I can't breath...
I am very sorry. This is such a hard time right now. Just be supportive of your husband, because that's probably what he needs more than anything.
Good luck.
Whew. I'm so sorry you're going through this. And I wish I knew something I could say that would make you feel better. I do know that things are rough for a lot of people right now, so it might not be his fault that he lost his job. So many places are making cutbacks.
(((hugs))) I feel sad for you. I hope somehow this turns out to be a blessing in disguise.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I'm so sorry. ?My dh got laid off two weeks ago and it's really hard. ?Like pp said, just try to support him as much as you can right now. ?As much as it's hard and stressful for you to deal with it's probably even harder for him to deal with. ?At least this is how it is in our case.
I am trying to keep it all in perspective right now... it is what it is and it's not like we have any control over it. ?All you can do is keep moving forward and try to make things better.
?Hugs and hang in there.?
You can always talk to us. its like a damn pajama party here nightly.
If only femme would get the message and start wearing pajamas....
I hope he finds something fast- something good to lighten YOUR burden a little!
I totally understand wanting to feel suppoted...is that sexist? not b/c he's the man, and I'm the mama...just b/c it feels nice to be taken care of sometimes.
hang with us- we will help you through this, darling.