
Implantation bleeding..anyone? Bueller?

For anyone who had this...sorry if TMI...but was it like red like blood, brown like begining of period...a lot ??? I just ovulated about 9 days ago, and I have a brownish spotting. Started last night, hasn't changed all day. Mean anything or am I somehow getting my period early? Its not due till the 9th. Would be just my luck :(

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Re: Implantation bleeding..anyone? Bueller?

  • I had this, I thought I had my period for two days and then it tapered off.  Finally I tested and BFP.  What a shocker.
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  • I had it at about 7 or 8 dpo...all brown, very light, but I thought it was my period because we weren't TTC (but weren't avoiding either).  Anyway, it lasted about 36 hours and then vanished.


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  • Well thats encouraging! Its definitley is different from my pword. Or maybe its not and I'm just being hopeful. Lol...time will tell I guess!
    Nicole, Mommy to baby Jordan Santiago born 3-31-06 and Isabella Grace born 1/28/2011 image
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  • I had this too..brownish. I think it lasted a few days, I thought it was my period, just brownish. But it was DS!


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