
Chronic bad hair day...

Did your hair change after delivery?

Mine used to be cute and it's just blah and falling out.  I wonder if it will ever be curly again. I don't know what to do with it!

Re: Chronic bad hair day...

  • Well, I stupidly cut my shoulder blade length hair into a pixie soon after delivery and I've been trying to grow it out since. It's still pretty short, but this new hair is weird - before getting pregnant I was blond and I'm definitely brunette now. And my hair is coarse and sparse. WTF?
  • My pregnancy hair is worse than pre-pregnancy. It does weird flips, isn't as straight and is definitely browner. I was hoping it would go back to normal afterwards, but I guess not!
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  • I swear the moment I got pregnant my hair went nuts. I obviously don't know about after, but i use to have dark dark brown Curly hair. Now it is a lighter brown and stick straight, and i hate it!!!! I was hoping it would go back after I have the babies.

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