I'm getting to be at my wit's end with DS. He just won't listen -- not to me, not to DH, not to his DCP, not to his babysitter. OK, he's not that bad with the last two, but they have to had to put him in more timeouts than usual. He's like a crazy person most of the time -- is this a boy thing? A toddler thing? A stuck-indoors-because-of-the-weather thing? All of this? Instead of playing with toys, he wants to throw them. He hits me when I'm talking to DH and not paying attention to him. I find myself getting SO frustrated with him, and so does DH. Everything is "no, no, no, no, don't touch that, stop playing with that, etc." Our place is pretty toddler-proof, but it's not exactly a padded room.
And the tantrums -- lord, the tantrums! If he doesn't get what he wants ALWAYS, it's a screaming tantrum. Will this end soon? Please, God?
Re: Anyone else's 2.5yo just won't listen?
Parker is three and still doesn't listen half of the time and it's been going on now for a little over a year. I cannot wait until he get's out of this phase!
You are not alone.
Although I hear from someone specializing in child development that 2.5 is at the height of a "disequilibrium" meaning in short, they are at the height of being little terrors. The good news is, that they go into a state of "equilibrium" between 2.5 - 3 where things seem to mellow out and your nice loving happy kid comes back. After 3, I think the disequillibrium all starts over again!
I don't know if that all is true but it was true with DS. He was a terror between 2 and 2.5, and now all of a sudden, he seems to be much more mellow and the tantrums have almost vanished! He still doesn't listen all of the time though.
Hang in there! It will pass eventually!!
sounds about right for a 2.5 year old... or a 3 year old for that matter.
Be consistant with your disipline and NEVER let him hit you!! That is one thing that my ds would never do. Yes, I know exactly how you feel, trust me, and if you do not get it under control now, it will only get much worse.
Also, ds1 has not hit any kind of equillibrium and he will be 3 in a couple of weeks. I guess he is still in his disequilibrium.