Babies: 0 - 3 Months

growth spurt ??

My LO seems to be in the middle of her 3 month growth spurt. She is sleeping a ton and eating when she isn't sleeping. Overall she is getting about an extra 5 - 8 oz a day.

She is waking up at 2:30 in the morning and wanting to eat. She hasn't gotten up to eat like this since she was under a month old.

My question is how long can I expect this to last??? I can't function on hardly any sleep. I go to bed at 10 after pumping and then she gets up at 2:30 to eat. I make it back to bed by 3-3:30 and have to get up at 5:30. This is torture at the moment.

Please someone say that I will get my STTN baby back here soon.

Re: growth spurt ??

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    It lasted about a week for us.  Of course DS never STTN either so I don't feel too badly for you.  Stick out tongue  His normal schedule is bed at 8, wake at 3-4am to eat, then sleep until 7am (but I get up at 5:45am for work).  During the growth spurt he would wake an extra 1-2 times each night on top of the normal feeding.  Not fun in my first week back at work!
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