
10am- suppose I should get DS up!

He's been awake on and off since 8:30am, but I usually just let him in his room as long as he wants to on Thursdays, since he usually doesn't take a nap.   He gets up, plays, lays back down...and in the meantime I have been Nesting, made scrambled eggs and toast, and just hung out.  Big Smile

 This is the same child that we still have to rock to sleep for naps and bedtime, but when he wakes up, he just hangs out!

Ahhhhh, free time!

Happy 4th birthday!
Matthew James 1/11/07

Re: 10am- suppose I should get DS up!

  • I swear--these two are going to put us in the nut hut! lol
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Yep M, he actually slept all night last night.  I realized that ALL of his binky's are broken.  He has chewed holes in every single one of them. I still let him have them at bedtime, so I think maybe that was a part of why he was up?  I dug through his drawer last night and found one brand new, and he slept all night.

    Although I'm sure tonight it will be something else!

    Happy 4th birthday!
    Matthew James 1/11/07
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  • S was up as soon as her motrin wore off. I am bringing her back to the pedi again. she's been on antibiotics for a week...this is getting ridiculous!

    glad to hear M slept though. :)?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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