I am hosting a "surprise" party for my friend who is about to get married. For those not familiar with "surprise" parties, it's a party where a group of girls get together and a "surprise" party rep comes and shows us lingerie and, for a lack of better words, sex toys. The bride-to-be has a sheet that has all the items listed and she checks the ones that she likes and the guests by her her favorite picks! All guests also have the opportunity to by themselves something! It's a blast....drinking and buying bedroom toys!!
So, I am trying to think of the wording for the invites. I want to write something clever but also want something to let the guests know that the party may not be for the shy-at-heart!! Any ideas??
Re: NBR: Sex toy party invitation wording
Ditto Elise.
If I knew that I had to buy the bride sex toys, I would not attend at all. And I would be dead sure that the bride is interested in that kind of thing. I would find a party like that for my wedding absolutely revolting.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Matthew James 1/11/07
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
You are your friends sound like a klassy bunch! Have fun!
Matthew James 1/11/07
My incentive is 10% of all sales plus $25 extra dollars which I have already told the guest-of-honor that I will be giving to her.
Sorry to get everyone so worked up. What may be fun for some may not be for others. I simply asked for help on invitation wording.
I must be KLASSY too, b/c my friends did this for me, too. Kind of, it was more like everyone bought their own thing, but we had drinks, food, and we laughed so hard it was so much fun.
Oh well.
Matthew James 1/11/07
As long as everyone knows up front what the expectation is then I think it's ok.....if they don't want to buy the Bride that type of gift then they can choose to not go. I would just make it really clear. As far as invitation wording I would do something like
Let's help BRIDE's marriage get off to an exciting start
Come to my sex toy party on X date
Bride will check off her favorite items as they are displayed
Guests can then purchase these items for the bride to be
It's not my cup of tea, but hey if you guys like it then it's your call.
I went to a sex toy bachelorette party. It was tons of fun! The bride did not, however, choose the toys she wanted. That's the part that I think is tacky. A few people did buy her something, but it wasn't expected. I've never heard it called a "surprise" party either -- if I got an invite to a surprise party, I'd assume that it was a party that the bride didn't know about, not a sex toy party that she helped plan! I'd skip the part of the bride choosing her own sex toys (unless she's buying them of course) and just send inviations that say something like:
Bride is getting married!
Time to celebrate with a girls night to get her prepared for married life...
Sex Toys!
Please join us for a girls night of fun and laughter... Plenty of food and wine will be served
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