When my twins were on Neosure it was the same price no matter where I went -- Target, grocery store, online. I think they price may have gone up slightly since this time last year (shocking, I know!), but I still keep my eye on it and I'm pretty sure I've never seen it on sale (even at the drug stores & BRU). But the coupons will come in handy! Have you asked your pedi for samples? Mine gave us 2 cases worth at one appointment -- and then the nurses asked their rep to bring in another case for us. Never hurts to ask.
I found that our grocery store usually had the best deals, because of their bonus card system. Also, if you get a clueless or nice cashier, they sometimes let you stack the coupons on one can - or purchase more than one can w/coupon at a time.
I found that Walmart has the cheapest price. The grocery store and Target both sell it for 15.99 but Walmart sells it for 14.97. I would definitely ask your pediatrician if they have any kicking around. I ask every time I'm there and they give me what they have and if they are out they call their rep to have it delivered. Usually I get a case at a time from the pedi.
CVS drugstores...they always have them at $7.16 a bolttle (ready to feed) and they have specials 2 for $10.99. When they had the sale I went to every CVS store and got as many as possible.?
We go through a ton here. I have found that it's pretty much the same everywhere EXCEPT BRU! It's more there. Watch for CVS to put them on sale, which is rare, but it happens.
Re: Best retail price for Neosure?
CVS drugstores...they always have them at $7.16 a bolttle (ready to feed) and they have specials 2 for $10.99. When they had the sale I went to every CVS store and got as many as possible.?
We go through a ton here. I have found that it's pretty much the same everywhere EXCEPT BRU! It's more there. Watch for CVS to put them on sale, which is rare, but it happens.