He'd only gained 5oz in 28 days so they shipped us over to the hospital.
Plan A is 24 hours of IV Pepcid and see how it goes.
He currently has an NG tube and an IV.
His labs came back and his hemoglobin was low so he's currently getting a blood transfusion.
Robbie is CRANKY. I swear a nurse walks in the room and he cries. If he never sees another needle again it'll be too soon.
Then they shredded my heart when they mentioned how much scar tissue he has from all his needles in the NICU.
We're kind of on wait and see mode for now.
I brought enough clothes for 4 days. I can wash here if necessary or send hubby home with clothes. No one seems to really be able to tell me how long we'll be here.
I guess it all depends on Robbie.
Wish us luck.
Re: We did get admitted
Oh Tricia! I'm so sorry.
I hope they figure out the answer for him. And quick. Give the little man a hug for me.
I'll be thinking about you guys and sending Robbie some "grow big and fast" thoughts.
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Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07