
Is he ready to be potty trained?

I have two boys close in age. Sam will be three in a few weeks, & Nick will be two in March. We potty trained Sam about six weeks ago & it's going great. As a result, Nick is super into the potty. He loves to sit on the potty & will regularly let us know when he has to poop. He poops in the potty and then pees. I sometimes also "catch" him before he poops & ask him if he needs to use the potty, & he will then run into the bathroom & use the potty.

At his daycare, Nick is the youngest kid in his class, & about half are potty trained, half are not. They bring him to the potty regularly & are very supportive of potty training. He has successfully used the potty 3 or 4 times in a few weeks. However, he wakes up from naps/nighttime wet, and doesn't seem to recognize when he has to go pee - just the need to poop.

I'd love to encourage him, and he is super interested, so I want to capitalize on that interest if at all possible. But, I don't want to create a frustrating process for both of us. Thoughts?

Re: Is he ready to be potty trained?

  • I have kind of a similar thing going on...DS1 is 2.5..and we are trying to get him to potty train...DS2 is only 19 months...but he is super interested in the potty.  Honestly....I am just going with it.  Though we are focusing on DS1..we are letting DS2 do everything too.  If I wind up training DS2 in the process (even though he doesn't show the signs of physically being ready like DS1 does) be it.  I am not really forcing it so much with him..but I am definitly encouraging it..he gets stickers just like DS1...etc. 

    I do diapers for naptimes..and nighttime etc.  I don't think either of my kids are old enough yet to get through that sucessfully.

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