What week should I plan on taking the childbirth / newborn / breastfeeding classes at the hospital? I checked their website and they recommend taking them between 7 & 8 months, but I didn't know if that was geared towards singleton moms. When did you or when do you plan on taking yours? Thanks!
Re: When to take childbirth / newborn classes at hospital?
I am taking an "Expecting Multiples" class at a local hospital. It is not at the hospital we're delivering at, but our doctor said it was worth the drive to get the information specific to multiples. If that is an option, I would go for that!
But onto answering your question.... I started the class at about 19 weeks and found that most of the people were between 20-25 weeks when it started. It is a 7 week class so I wanted to start earlier while I'm still comfortable enough to sit in class for a few hours after working all day. HTH!
I did my high risk birth class in December between 17-20 weeks. They only offered it in December and February and I didn't think I would want to go in February plus that is when we get our colder weather and snow so didn't want to worry about those things either.
My hospital offers a Baby series class (1-3) that they recommend. Baby 1 is free and open to all moms with babies less than 8 weeks I think. I will see how I'm feeling and probably check it out.