
Octuplets' Mom Not Receiving Many Gifts

Just read this online.  Interesting.  Looks like companies don't want to touch her with a 10 foot pole... 


Re: Octuplets' Mom Not Receiving Many Gifts

  • GOOD! hmmph.
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  • Aw, here is my tiny violin playing, "Tears on my pillow" for her.

    Someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaaambulance!

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  • I completely understand why the companies wouldn't want to touch this situation -- at the same time I feel so bad for those babies if they don't get what they need.  Someone needs to step in -- there is no way she can care for those kids (with or without the support of big companies for diapers, formula, clothes, car, etc.)
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I totally agree.  She seems to be just North of crazy town to me.
  • imageRobynK:
    I completely understand why the companies wouldn't want to touch this situation -- at the same time I feel so bad for those babies if they don't get what they need.  Someone needs to step in -- there is no way she can care for those kids (with or without the support of big companies for diapers, formula, clothes, car, etc.)

    i know what you mean, but i don't really worry about this. some suckers are going to give her a ton of money, but i'm glad to see that some companies aren't.

    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
  • Check out this creepy quote from the article (quoting a publicist)

    "He suggested she lie low for now and concentrate on crafting an image as a responsible parent."

    I am thinking maybe she should lie low and actually concentrate on being a responsible parent!  not crafting the image! 

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  • Her babies will have the BASIC necessities b/c of WIC and Medicaid (formula, food, health care). I'm glad to see companies aren't giving her things like swings, strollers, etc. She can find some on Craigslist, or buy them her own damn self.
  • this whole thing is so incredibly sad I can't stand it. This woman clearly needs psychological help. Her mother seems ready to crack (and who can blame her?).  These babies will never get the care they deserve with her. Even if she gets WIC and other assistance - she seems to be incapable of having true parental instincts. If she did - she wouldn't have 14 children under the age of 7.  There is no way a single parent (even a superwoman with the right mindset) can care for so many children alone. She clearly does not have the support system that would require.

     What is the alternative now? Foster homes? Wow, then you have to ask which is worse? Siblings scattered all over the place in questionable homes... while there are some wonderful foster parents out there we all know there are some in it for the $ as well. There just is no upside to this story for the babies/existing children.

     While it's easy to wish this nutjob away - or to hope she gets nothing for her story or via the media... I have to wonder what is going to become of the kids. I hope enough media presence is around her that the child welfare authorities keep an eye on her. I just don't see a good ending here for anyone. It's just very very sad all around.

  • imageFaeryStarGazer:

    Aw, here is my tiny violin playing, "Tears on my pillow" for her.

    Someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaaambulance!


  • imageRobynK:
    I completely understand why the companies wouldn't want to touch this situation -- at the same time I feel so bad for those babies if they don't get what they need.  Someone needs to step in -- there is no way she can care for those kids (with or without the support of big companies for diapers, formula, clothes, car, etc.)


    while my first reaction is "Good!! she doesn't deserve it!" then i realize the ones who suffer are those poor kids.

    such a sad situation all around.

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