
Clicky Poll

If you have takenyour toddler on a flight did they ask for verification of their age?[Poll]

Re: Clicky Poll

  • When Luc was a baby, they never asked, but once he was walking around the SWA ticketing agents always asked when I flew with him as a "free" lapchild.
  • I'm wondering they need some sort of identification?
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • They've asked every time on Southwest (like 10 times) and also on continental and american.
  • I've used either a copy of his birth certificate or his immunization records.
  • Oh No!  We are flying Hawaiian and I didn't realize that we would be in Hawaii for her 2nd birthday.  I went back a few hours later to buy an extra ticket and the price went from $180 a way to $450!  We are hoping that we can just check in at a kiosk and lay low.  Do they ask at the gate or when you checkyour bags?
  • I have only flown with DS once when he was over the age of 1 though and he never walked.  So they never asked me.  I would guess if they look closer to the age limit they would be more likely to ask.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Maybe they won't even ask you if she's in a stroller and off to the side with your DH.

    They never asked for DS's identification but we haven't flown w/ him on our lap since he was about 6 months old, so he was obviously not yet 2.

    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • They asked when he was little older and not in a seat of his own.  Never asked when I purchased a seat for him, only as a lap child.
  • No, but we were traveling out of the country and had a passport for him, so maybe that's why.
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