not me, thankfully. ?:-)?
As E and I were leaving the gym, there was a woman standing outside of an old beater of a car, letting her 2 toddlers run around the busy parking lot while she smoked her cigarette leaning against the car, yelling into her cell phone to someone. ?
You can't beat the local YMCA for Klassy.?
Re: Also at the gym--a Britney Spears moment...
I thought you were going to say you saw her. If so, I would be knocking on your door in about six hours. LOL
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
LOL--amygdala, tell us how you really feel?!!?
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call it a full-on sh*t convention, but there some serious whackadoos around here.?
?I love the YMCA - but they can be so hit or miss. My home Y is really nice - but the one I go to by my work is a little sketch.