
Men dressed as women actually

totally freak me the eff out. I pride myself on being open minded but for some weird reason I hate seeing pics of me in makeup, in drag etc. Even if it's for Halloween. I actually had a physical reaction of yuckness when I saw this pic of Jude Law.


It's so weird that I have no basis for the way I feel about this topic.

Re: Men dressed as women actually

  • LOL--I would never have known that was Jude Law! ?What is he thinking?!?
  • alternatively, I wanted to make out with him when I saw it...I LOVE men in make up ( not like hot topic looking boys in eyeliner, but like 80's Robert Smith...or David Bowie!)



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  • the whole 80's eyeliner thing I am more okay with. I'm more freaked out by men trying to look like full on women..wigs and all.
  • I had to revisit this post just to make sure I still thought it was hot...yup.

    I seriously have never found him attractive before ( except in the scenes of the talented mr ripley when he wore hats, my attraction is very subjective...) but now I want to kiss him on the mouth.


  • Hmm maybe it's your bi-side speaking. To me when men do this it just looks like a hairy ugly woman.
  • ha ha! I hae no bi side!!


    but when I have a girl crush it is always in direct relation to personality traits- I hate blonde hair, but I LOVE Chelsea Handler, Amy Poehler, and Gwynneth Paltrow.

    And I think I would leave my husband for Parker Posey or Siouxie Sue or Leslie Feist.

    meh...maybe. OR I just want to BE them, not be WITH them...

    thanks for the therapy, Grace. I am coming closer to understanding my sexuality...

  • I've been told I look like Parker Posey....Stick out tongue
  • I just want to hang out with them.  I LOVEEEE Eddie Izzard.  He's a fugly woman, but he's kinda a fugly man, too.  But he has fabulous shoes ;-)
  • I also love eddie izzard. I would kiss him...
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