Most of you know I work in social services, I went to a roach infested home today, I easily counted at least 50 (just on the walls, can you imagine what's hiding??). They have three kids and I just kept thinking these poor kids (one H's age) have to sleep amog roaches. Ewww! They are moving this week; haven't seen the new place. Hopefully its better....
there is more food in the carpet that in the fridge, she has the ability (both physical and mental to clean- both parents do but don't)
Re: Is it neglect?
Ok, the roach thing I would let her get away with....maybe. We lived in an apartment building growing up and it was unavoidable at times.
Now the food on the carpet, tells me they are neglectful which is probably why they have all those roaches and its not something out of their control. Thats disgusting. Poor kids.
I feel like it is neglect. and endangerment. Don't roaches bite? I think they do. Did the children have bites? It makes me sick that anyone wouldn't want to provide a safe clean atmosphere for their child.
infestation is health threat. this is totally bumming me out, shopgirl.
what were you there for if not to evaluate their squalor and filth? I mean, at what point do they start hoarding animals and not cleaning up after them and letting the kids stew in animal mess..and rotting things..and how good can their hygeine possibly be if they have no pride in their home?
I agree.
Not neglect of the kids...but certainly of the house. It is hard to get rid of roaches (especially if you have neighbors who have them). They should bomb (roach bomb) the house before they move so they don't take them with them. If the kids look healthy even though there isn't much food in the house then they are probably not endangered. I've never even seen a roach but if they bite that might be an issue. Do they carry disease? If so...that might also be an issue. Maybe the parents need to be enducated on keeping a clean home so they don't get roaches (or rodents).
Liam is 5!
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
answers to questions
1. I realize the roaches will move with them (I learned that at this job). I think that everything is packed up made the roachest stick out more, KWIM?
2. They can't afford bombs, sprays or exterminators
3. I agree one roach here and there is "okay." But even I don't like that
4. (The last I knew) They get WIC; food stamps. I think the foods issues where more prior to losing some income and regaining food stamps... Their children are feed and happy. And go to school and get free lunch/breakfast there Their parents do love them and it shows- although I don't agree with most of there parenting style. Their father hates for them to ride the bus and always pick them up. (The youngest is not in school; i know he was feed a sandwich for lunch-saw it)
5. I think I've seen a vaccum
6. I eval something different (due to HIPPA, not saying) . I know about minimal standards and try to be less judgy, which is why I am asking
7. I know the kids take baths at least every now and then
8. at one time there was a case open with CPS but I don't know that it has been closed or not
9. they are the small roaches
they are moving and you didn't mention the state (condition) of the kids-so neglectful yes if the present living conditions were to continue because if there were no ill effects on the kids yet i think there would be potential.
you, being the social worker, would have better insight than me the teacher. the last neglect case i hotlined involved the child arriving at school too dirty and smelly to function in class. i have to say after the social worker arrived at school, called the mom in and did home visits there were huge improvements.