
Potty Training/Pull Up Question

I hate pull ups. After working in a daycare for a few years I honestly don't have faith that they work. BUT, I'm trying to get Mia interested in PTing since she's so on again off again and she mentioned wanting to wear them (because several classmates do), so I figured I would try it if it's going to help her get more in the mode.

I usually get her diapers at costco and we're going there tonight if the weather is OK. How long did your DC wear pullups? I don't want to get a huge pack of them if it's typically just a short term thing.

Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Potty Training/Pull Up Question

  • Even if they don't work for PTing, you'll need them for a little while. I finally broke down and bought a pack because its easier for naps/bedtime even though she's not going in them, I rather be safe for now.
  • dd wears them at night only. she saw pull ups as diapers and would just go in them if she had them on... no amt of cooling sensation or whatever worked for her.  I had to completely switch to cotton trainers. 
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  • We bought them for L when he was a little over 2 years old thinking it would be short term, and he was just PT'd last month.  They work just fine and you will want them for nap time at least. 
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  • Get a big box. DD has been PT for over 3 months and we still use them at night instead of diapers. They aren't PT for a while during the night. We also use them for naps at home. For some reason she pee's sometimes for naps at home, but not at DC. I guess they have a more rigorous schedule. GL!
  • and T, I think for Mia you will have to go to undies like I did. To me, its still a diaper.
  • I totally agree but we're never home for an entire day and I hate confusing her with undies/diapers/undies/diapers.  Seriously, what the girl needs is a totally pants free day to grasp the peeing. Even in the training undies she doesn't seem to be noticing.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • T she will not notice until she pee's on herself a few times. Trust me. You need to dedicate 3 days to staying home with no diapers. When you are ready.
  • I feel a vacation coming on...
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • haha, yes. A long ass one.

    If all else fails, send her to my house. Not that I'm an expert but I'm sure watching B for a day or two will help.

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