This is IHO JOEBunny, and because it?s so slow.
I have an irrational fear of ice skating. I?m afraid that I?ll fall, brace my fall with my hands, and people will then skate by and slice my fingers off. So, I have never, and will probably never go ice skating.
I?m also afraid of clowns, to the point of tears. Oh, and birds. And fish. They look at you weird. Those aren?t irrational though. They?re all just creepy.
Your turn. I?m popping off for a few to get some work done. I?ll check back. There better be an answer from everyone. Don?t you know you people are here to entertain me?!?!
Re: Everyone!! Post your irrational fear here.
Huge waves at the beach I am so afraid of being swallowed by one
under my bed in the dark. I cant go to my bed without the light on
I'm petrified of fish. The thought of touching fish skin makes me insane. Even typing it skeeves me.
But similar to your ice skating, I have an irrational fear of having a car hood fall down on me and smoosh me. Sometimes I can't even watch other people check their oil because I'm scared I'm going to see it happen to someone else.
Oh anxiety has a list.
1) A fear that I left the backdoor open. (I have problems with this)
2) A fear that our tree will fall on our house and crush us (in my defense a huge branch fell off the size of a tree..onto our roof when I was pg with DS1..though it did no damage)
3) A fear that someone will crash into the side of our house with their I don't place the beds of the kids on that wall (in my defense...a car did crash into our house once...but farther back by our bedroom before we even owned it).
Should I go on? I could go on and on and on.
omg I just lol'd at that.?
I have an irrational fear of those really big, open storm drains on the curb. I think I'll fall into one and end up being dragged out to sea, or die in the drain.
I still think leaving your child in a car shouldn't be an irrational fear! I love the Nest. Godfuckingforbid you can't afford a $500 stroller and matching designer toddler jeans (that makes you a bad mom) but leaving your child unattended in a car is totally cool. And if you take your child out of the car, you are an overbearing hag.
Christmas 2011
As far as dd is concerned, it is choking. She is over 3 and i still cut her food into miniscule bites. Every one tells me the reason she doesn't eat for me is because I cut her food so small she can't taste it. I almost have heart failure if i see someone try to give her popcorn or a lollipop.
My own irrational fear is bugs. We had a problem with basement beetles this summer and I couldn't even do the laundry because it made my skin crawl to go ito the basement. And when i say problem, I mean I might encounter 4-5 of them. Not like the walls were coated or anything.
I'm terrified of putting anything in my eyes. I can't do eye drops on myself or anyone else. I also can't stand watching anyone else put them in. I know I could never wear contacts.
I'm also really afraid of running the dishwasher at night. The stairs to our second floor come out thru the kitchen and I'm terrified that the dishwasher will start on fire and we'll all be trapped.
I am always so afraid that while I am getting DD out our in her car seat, a car will pull up next to us and smash my legs in the door. Like when we are at the grocery store.
I am scared of the garbage disposal. I can't go near the sink if it is on. It is like I am afraid I will be unable to control myself and will plunge my hand down there or something.
I am afraid of the fact that DS has been in his room for almost an hour and a half and still hasn't fallen alseep for his nap yet! This kids NEEDS his nap!!!!
I had to add one more.
I am terrified of having to stop in traffic when I am on a bridge. Sometimes you can feel the bridge move a bit and I swear I have a heart attack every time. I try to gauge traffic way before I need to so I don't have to stop while I'm on a bridge.
I am afraid that someone will come into our house late at night when dh is not home (he is gone a lot). Maybe that is why we have two pistols and one rifle and I just took my cpl (concealed pistol license) class.
I'm afraid of spiders in an unnatural way. If there is one in my house, I can't rest. I NEVER leave my windows open in the car (even in the garage) because I'm convinced that they notice the windows are open and will all go scurrying inside. I ALWAYS check under my sun visor because I'm sure it's filled with millions of spiders. Same with under the door handle - I barely put my fingertips under the handle, just barely enough to open it.
As far as irrational fears, I'm terrified that a strange dog will bite my fingers off. Whenever I'm around strange dogs, I always clench my fists so they can't get to my fingers.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
When I am home alone and the doorbell rings, always scares the shitt out of me. We have a huge glass opening on the door with no peephole so I usually look out of ds bedroom window to see if there is a car. If there is no car in site, I don't answer the door.
Also, I have to close and lock the bathroom door while showering b/c I am always afraid someone is going to stab me while nude.
I have a few:
1) Snakes. Last time I saw one live my friend found me passed out a few minutes later. I go into a panic attack if I see them on TV.
2) I am constantly terrified of someone breaking into my apartment. I leave all the doors locked all the time and have never opened the grate that covers the fire escape window and won't open the window even with the grate closed tight. I have also decided that when we buy a house, I won't buy a single story house because I would be too afraid to have the bedroom windows open for fear someone would break into the house through my kid's bedroom and hurt the child in the process. To be fair, though, my house was broken into when I was in 3rd grade and I woke up and heard the whole thing, so I at least know where this fear came from.
Mice. Petrified of those things.
Being trapped under ice
DC being perfectly healthy one day and the next finding out they have some horrific disease.
I'm also terrified of clowns. H made me cry once in a Cracker Barrel bc he chased me with a toy one. Thank you IT.
I'm afraid to use the toilet in the dark, I have this fear that a snake will crawl up the pipes and bite my arse.
I am beyond terrified of snakes. Even if I'm in a car and one crosses the road, I can freak out and start crying. Unfortunately, DD1 loves them. I won't let her have any rubber or realistic looking ones in the house, but she does have a 4 ft long stuffed snake that I am SURE is going to wrap itself around her neck.
Balloons popping. This freaks me out every single time. I hate the noise, and hate everything about balloons for this reason.
Weird childhood diseases. This is a career-driven fear, since I see all sorts of weird and quirky things happen to kids.
My list could go on for days, but here are a few:
-The dark, period; especially DDs room, I have to turn on the hall light and leave her door open, you know, because if there's a bit of light, nothing can get you (this is how I rationalize it & have since I was about 10)
-Driving over bridges & especially being stopped on one, especially ones over rivers (because my mom told me about a horrific bridge collapse when I was younger, while driving across a huge freaking bridge)
- The post office after it's closed, at night, when there is typically NO ONE there, I will put off getting the mail until the morning
I could go on forever. Oh and tractor trailers on the interstate, I will either drive behind them or go at some irrational speed to get around them. I'm afraid they'll not see me and run into me
Oh forgot one...
I'm afraid of the pizza delivery person. If we order pizza, I hide while H goes to the door. If he isn't home, I hide behind the door and let Layla handle business. I have no idea why.
The really funny thing is- my brother owns 2 Papa Johns, one of which I managed for a while, and on occasion, we both had to deliver pizzas and BOTH of us are afraid of answering the door for the pizza deliver person.
I'm not reading any replies to this because I don't need to add on to my own fears but mine are (that I can think of off of the top of my head, I know there are more)
1. Semi trucks
2. Having an anurisim/or some other cause of death alone with dd and she will be here all day by herself.
3. Spiders
4. The dentist flossing my teeth. I will not let him do it.
5. The dentist period-I get gassed even to get my teeth cleaned.
6. PABST posts about me (lol)
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Me Too!!! I hate when I am on the flyover and traffic is at a standstill. I fear the flyover will collapse with me on it! It only happens on Fridays (when everyone leaves early or goes out of town) and I'm always relieved when I'm back on the freeway!
Liam is 5!
Pool filters at the bottom of pools in water parks, you know that help circulate the water by blowing out air. I wont step on them becuase I think they might suck me in. I think my brother must have told me this as a child or something. Hello the blow out not suck in, still I can't bring myself to step on them.
I am the completely opposite and am slightly obsessed with eyes and putting things in them. If it didn't require more school and other medical classes, I'd totally go back to become an?Optometrist.?
And ditto clowns and storm drains. ?
Otherwise, I hate driving on entrance/exit ramps when it's snowing. I am convinced I'm going to spin right off so drive like 5 mph, always with a huge line of people riding my azz.
And I get nervous driving over bridges. I always worry we'll go in the water below and I'll die trying to get S out of her car seat. But I think that's might be because I drove over the 35W bridge at least 1000 times before it collapsed. ?
Escalators. I have been afraid since I was a kid. I am fine once on them but I can't deal with getting on and off. If I am at the mall and have to go to the second floor, I find an elevator. Strange, I know.
Being scared. Like things jumping out. I can not watch any scary movie or suspense because of the music and things jumping out or just appearing.
Hilarious! I could just see you standing there gripping the counter & thinking "Don't shove your hand down there!"
The one about the voice saying bless you was great too.
Spiders. HATE them. Once I smashed one with a shoe & it must have been pregnant. 1 million spider babies started scurrying around my rug. I passed out.
Bees. I hate them & they hurt. I jump around like an ass when one is near me.
Losing my daughter or husband. I seriously would go off the deep end if something happened to Riley especially.
Balloons. I hate when they pop or the noise they make when someone grabs the balloon.
Static electricity. I hate getting shocked when I touch something. My ex-bf's car did this to me every time I got out of it. I would not touch the car when I got out. I slammed the door with my foot & tried to "discharge" the shock by touching the tire or something else. Weird.?
I have TONS, but here are a few: Agree on the car crashing through the house/tree falling on the house fears. I have those too.
Fish and snakes. Doesn't help that I now work at a restaurant part time where I have to encounter giant headless salmon. eeeeek!
DS or me, or both of us, falling down our driveway and being run over by a car. In my defense, our driveway is kind of steep and we do have a crazy-ass teenager who drives like a maniac living just around the corner.
Oh, and being in a car accident where the person I am riding with gets decapitated. Thanks to a white-trash driver's ed instructor who never bathed and who told us a story about that happening to her sister. 15 years later I am still terrified of it.
Edited: Forgot one more...being stuck UNDER a bridge in traffic. I'd feel better about the thought of being on top and it collapsed, but not if I was underneath. Your chance of survival is a lot better if you're on the top of the pile instead of the bottom!-Flying. I have always been terrified of a crash landing in the water. It happened on a flight to Seattle a few years ago & everyone died. I think of that every.time.I.get.on.a.plane, & DH & I travel for work frequently. Every time DH flies, I think of how miserable my life would be if something happened on his trip & make myself all teary. And then he walks through the door & I feel like an ass. After the Hudson plane crash/landing, I had nightmares for several days that I was flying alone with both of my kids & no one would help me evacuate them & they were both panicking & I was trying to get them out & the water was filling up the plane. .. Seriously, I'm freaking out just typing this.
-Having someone break into our house, especially when DH is gone at night.
-Driving over bridges.
Some of these are awesome.
Forgot to say that I?m also afraid of bees. I don?t have any allergies, and I?ve never been stung by a bee, so I?m afraid I?m going to get stung and go into anaphylactic shock.