
I have to confess something awful.

Promise you all won't think less of me. This is almost unbelievable. I will preface this post by saying that my house is more or less spotless. I am OCD about cleaning and I keep everything straight and neat so that a stranger could walk in at anytime and I wouldn't care. I have to thank my mom for instilling this cleaning obsession in me.

Yesterday DH came home from work early to give me a break. I wanted to go to the fabric store to look around and buy a few things. I keep my purse in our entryway next to a table and umbrella holder. I always put it on the floor next to the table when I come home so I can just grab it whenever I leave. It has never been a problem. 

So I drive to the fabric store yesterday. I noticed when I picked my purse up that it smelled funny. I just ignored it. I always check inside my purse to make sure I have my wallet before I enter a store, so after I parked, I opened my purse to check for my wallet. You will never ever believe what I found in my purse. Dog sh!t! Ewwwwwwwwwwww! One of my dogs crapped in my purse! I was horrified. I turned around and drove home. WTF? It is a big purse and it hangs open since I rarely remember to zip it closed. I threw it away. Luckily it wasn't too expensive. DH thought this was hilarious. I am still totally disgusted.

Re: I have to confess something awful.

  • OMG...I would have to throw my purse away! 

    I hang mine on our coat rack..mostly because the kids would be in it stealing my chapstick every spare second they had.

  • O.M.G.!!!! ?how awful!?

    that is totally something that my PITA minna would do if she were taller. she a big fat dachshund so she couldn't get over my purse to crap. LOL.

    anyway--I'm so sorry! :(?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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  • at least you didn't hang around and shop...

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • and fwiw--I always keep my bag on top of the fridge to keep S and minna out of it.
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Ok that just made my day!!!  HILARIOUS! 

    Sorry you had to throw out a purse thoughStick out tongue

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  • Sorry!  Although that is really disgusting, you have to admit it's kind of funny!
  • I know which dog did it, and yes my dogs are fully house trained and know better. This is the same dog who dug up one of my rose bushes last summer because I yelled at him. We don't like each other.

    Yeah, I couldn't shop after that. I kept alternating better wanting to laugh and cry. Who craps in a purse? 

  • Is it wrong that I just started to laugh hysterically at my desk??

    I would be throwing that purse out.  We have two dogs, one of whom would definitely do something like that if I left my bag on the floor, but she is a puppy.  The other would take it and run through the house tearing everything he could out of it along the way. 

  • Ew!  That sucks.
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • That's so gross but I can relate.  Soon after my mom got her toy poodle I went to visit and we thought it was very cute that the dog would climb in my suitcase.  So, a few days later I get home and unpack...sure enough, dog pooped in my suitcase!  I was soooo mad!  My mom got a kick out of though.



  • That is totally HILARIOUS! I just LOL'd for like 5 mintues!

    I'm sorry though! I wouldn't be laughing if it were me. 

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