I had a doctor appointment yesterday and it actually went very well. The placenta is still laying low, but my doctor isn't too concerned about it yet. He discovered that I developed a bacterial infection from the surgery. That is what is causing the leaking, not the placenta. So that's good news! I had a surprise ultrasound and the baby is measuring almost 2 weeks ahead in growth. It's doing great with a heart rate of 161. My doctor wants me on bed rest the remainder of the pregnancy just as a precaution. He doesn't want to take any risks, which I understand. So I'm on bed rest of the next 5.5 months!
I'm relieved that I got good news and I'm actually for the first time, starting to relax and enjoy this pregnancy. I just pray I make it to full term!
Re: Update from appointment
That is great news! Not the bacterial infection, but the fact that your doctor isn't too concerned and you are starting to relax.
Did they say if bacterial infections are common from cerclages?
Take it easy and I hope you have family close by to help with Waylon.
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14