
MoMs of 9(ish) month olds, how many bottles?

About two months ago I moved the boys to 4 bottles a day.  I was offering 8oz per bottle.  Most bottles they would take all or leave an oz or two at one or two of the feedings.

Now the boys are getting three solids a day. Cereal in the morning, then usually a veggie in the afternoon and evening.

One of my boys is still taking his 4 bottles and pretty much finishing them all.  My smaller DS is pretty much refusing at least one of the bottles each day (usually the 11am bottle).  He will only drink an oz or two.  Do you think I am just trying to push too much food.  He is taking less and less from the other bottles as well. He is drinking anywhere from 17-21 oz per day.  Is that enough?  

We have our 9 month appt in two weeks but thought I would ask your opinions first. 


Re: MoMs of 9(ish) month olds, how many bottles?

  • My boys still have 3  6-8 oz bottles per day. They eat three meals and have a finger food snack (Gerber puffs, wagon wheels, etc.)  in the afternoon. During meal times and snack, they drink from a sippy cup.They have their 9 month check up tomorrow. Right now, if I fed them any less, they would be irate.

    Maybe one of yours is just weaning from the bottle early. Have you offered a cup? I think as long as they're gaining weight, you're doing fine.

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