Only 2 more weeks and I will make it to my first goal of 30 weeks (when the boys were born)..Doctor did a FFN test yesterday, so I am just waiting on NOT hearing from doc today (if he doesn't all it was negative).?
?Kinda weird question..Yesterday at my appt we was talking to the doctor about steriod shots and an u/s if the test came back positive. Well he said he wants to do an u/s in 2 weeks anyways. Then he says " Baby is always on your right side" Doc wants to check the growth and cervix stuff..He kinda caught me off guard when he said that. So I forgot to ask him could something be wrong if the baby is always on one side..Anyone know about that?
Re: 28 weeks!! and a question?
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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