TTC after 35

One Ovary

Good morning

 I don't think I've ever posted in this section. I had surgery in November to remove a large ovarian cyst as well as my left ovary which was destroyed by the cyst. My 2 doctors believe that my chances of getting pregnant again are still good even though I'm almost 36(in 2 days), have 1 ovary and endometriosis. I do currently have a 2 year old daughter.

Do you know of anyone who has experienced these factors and still gotten pregnant? If I can't, my husband and I decided before surgery to try adoption.

Thanks for any responses.

Re: One Ovary

  • My mother lost an ovary due to a ruptured ovarian cyst in her first year of marriage. She was 23 then. It took my parents 8 months to conceive me (she was 27 when I was born) and a bit longer for my brother (she was 31 when he was born). No endometriosis, however.

    But one ovary should not hinder your chance of conceiving. I believe the one ovary takes over from the missing one.

    Good luck!


    Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013


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  • I am 37 and I have endometriosis.  I had to have one fallopian tube removed.  My doctor told me I could still get pregnant. However, I always thought in the back of my mind that it might not happen for me.  Well, my husband and I decided to start ttc in January of this year.  I just took a pt three days ago and I'm pregnant.  I didn't know if it would happen for me and I certainly never thought it would happen this quickly.  So...don't give up hope. 
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