
Strawberry Peeps

they are soo good, but I can't find them anymore.

Re: Strawberry Peeps

  • Hey sweetie! I think I saw some at CVS and  or Target that are valentine's day peeps--I wonder if they were strawberry? They were red.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • Mia got heart peeps for valentines day (from guess who!??!) along with TONS of other candy. If I find that they're strawberry, I'll save them for you!
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
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  • that's them!  now I have to go to CVS and target.  Wegmans sold out fast!

    thanks T.  I am going to have to fight Mia for peeps. 

  • You probably will have to fight off Joe more than Mia! LOL

    I still can't believe all the SH!T that MIL brings over for her. And she's always focking shoving it down the girl's throat too. Why can't they bring grapes or bananas?!??!  I don't mind letting her have treats every now and then but this is obsurd. We have a HUGE bowl of candy just from Christmas - present.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • s and I will be happy to work on that bowl for you!  I would kill mil if she got G candy.
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