
anyone used a queen sheet on a full mattress?

How bad is it? size-wise?

I found the absolute cutest sheets at TJ maxx a few weeks ago that would coordinate so well with Blaire's big girl bedding.  They only had a queen, and I had both of my sister's look at TJ Maxx in Lexington and Atlanta.  No full-size left.  I really love these sheets and I've even googled them to see if they come up on ebay with no luck.

I figure I can make the flat sheet work, it's the fitted I'm worried about.  And the mattress on her bed is not the 'deep' or whatever they call it.

Re: anyone used a queen sheet on a full mattress?

  • It's not too bad.  We have queen sheets on the bed because the mattress is super thick and my mom didn't buy deep mattress sheets...  Nothing that a little extra tucking can't fix.

  • We've used them before on our other bed that was a queen and it worked just fine.  Like mrsterry said, you just have to tuck it in more.
    Mommy to three adorable boys!
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  • We used to have a 3/4 bed when we first got married and I used to buy full size sheets.  It was a PITA because I was always and forever tucking in the sheet plus we would get this bunch up in the center.  Maybe with only one person sleeping on it the bunching won't happen.  GL
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